Form Based District Regulations
howell, Michigan
In 2008, the D-19 Corridor Concept Plan was created to encourage investment, improve the built environment, alleviate traffic congestion, and create a gateway to the City of Howell from I-96.
The Plan provided the foundation for the City’s form based code, adopted in 2014. The City of Howell’s form based regulations are tailored to address the unique goals, characteristics, and needs of both Michigan Avenue and the City. Through these regulations, the City has the option of setting up more than one district. Therefore, there are overall standards that are applicable to all districts and standards applicable to each specific district.
Project Highlights:
- Promote new investment opportunity by broadening the range of permissible uses
- Address the transition and buffering between residential and nonresidential uses
- Encourage flexible mixed-use development in both horizontal and vertical form
Howell’s form based zoning regulations are based on site context and building form. Site context is derived from existing and desired characteristics of the area and distinguishes areas of the City by shape, size, orientation, and location. Building form addresses the manner in which building and structures relate to their lots, surrounding buildings, and street frontage. By regulating form, districts can eliminate nonconformities and, through physical development, can incentivize investment opportunities by creating a wide variety of permissible uses.
Project Highlights:
- Implement a more compact, walkable environment
- Ensure reasonable transition between higher intensity development and adjacent neighborhoods
- Increase the predictability of the development approval process