Central Mixed Development Regulations
City of Clawson
The intent of the Central Mixed Development (CMD) District is to implement the Downtown Clawson Urban Framework Design Plan.
It preserves and enhances the commercial “main street” character of downtown Clawson and ensures that new development is compatible with the desired character.
The CMD district also:
• Serves as a downtown neighborhood and community shopping center which is functionally and architecturally integrated with other uses in the area
• Encourages a mixed use environment
• Promotes pedestrian oriented buildings and uses
• Encourages vehicular access to parking lots from alleys rather than streets
• Fosters multiple story buildings
• Furthers shared parking and access
• Encourages buildings to be located at the edge of the public right-of-way
• Recognizes and affirms the function of the traditional urban downtown center
Development standards were developed to regulate land uses, building placement, building size and height, access, façade design, and parking. The regulations also addressed signs and other design features.