Master Plan Public Engagement

City of Bay City

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During the master planning process in 2016, there were a number of opportunities for engagement with community members and other stakeholders. Levels of participation demonstrated the City of Bay City’s commitment to planning for the future of the city.

Stakeholder Meetings:

In the initial stages of the planning process, a series of “stakeholder interviews” were held. Groups of various individuals were invited to speak to the steering committee because they had particular knowledge of, or involvement in, activities related to one or more of the key master plan topics. Through a series of 8 meetings over two days, with over 25 individuals, the initial “Big Ideas” for this plan were developed.

Community Engagement Open House:

As part of the public input process, the city hosted a public engagement opportunity designed to receive feedback from the public. The format for the event was an open house with stations that focus on each of the identified Master Plan topics. Each station had activities and were facilitated by planning commissioners and other volunteers. The open house was well attended with more than 70 participants throughout the evening. The feedback received helped to further refine the direction for the plan.

Online Comment Map:

Throughout the master planning process, an online comment tool was available on the project website for anyone to provide comments about the various key topics used to frame this document. The tool allowed users to place comments on a map that others could see and respond to. Comments from this tool were used to help identify particular community issues.

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