Craig Strong will head Code Enforcement Services

strong_candid_webCraig Strong has joined Carlisle/Wortman Associates as director of its subsidiary, Code Enforcement Services (CES). He replaces Jack Donaldson, who retired.Strong, a resident of Pittsfield Township, has been a residential and commercial building contractor since 1985. He spent 10 years as the City of Milan building and zoning official. He is registered with the state of Michigan as a Building Official, construction plan reviewer and building inspector.The ordinances of cities, townships and villages specify the standards for new construction, property maintenance and zoning compliance. Strong and other CES staff can review plans for new buildings, inspect new construction, manage entire building departments, write or update ordinances, evaluate departments to improve their efficiency, serve as full time or temporary code inspectors or train existing staff in a community.CES administers the building departments for the cities of Lake Angelus, Riverview and Woodhaven and the Townships of Springfield and Rose; enforces ordinances in Augusta, Huron and Scio Townships and performs plan reviews for several communities in southeast Michigan.
